
Sometimes I Wonder What is the Point of Collecting

Sometimes I Wonder What is the Point of Collecting
As part of my daily morning routine, I tend to review my email before I get out of bed. I'm not obsessed with my phone or email or anything, but I don't always have enough time or sometimes even access at work (I work on a military installation and the internet can be wonky & phone service can be spotty for some reason...I'll just leave it at that) and even though I go through semi-annual email unsubscribe purges, I've learned that if I don't get in 2x a day at least I can just get overwhelmed by the overflowing inbox.

I know this is a lot of exposition, but this morning one of my emails was from USPS letting me know I have several packages inbound. At least one of these is a recent purchase...actually, all of them are recent purchases, but only one is something anyone here would care about as it's my most recent RPG acquisition. These past couple months I've been on a bit of a collecting binge and sometimes I'm wondering if it's worth it.

I do have some nice stuff and I don't really want to quit, but I know I'm a little too materialistic. I'm probably at least 34% hoarder and I'm always needing to play catch-up on just how I intend to display these acquisitions.  Artwork needs to be framed, boxed stuff needs to be propped up...do I need to pad the insides so shit doesn't knock about(?), do I have enough display cases, am I doing what I need to do to protect these "things" from degradation?

Lately a big thing on my mind is how/when should I start documenting this stuff so when I'm gone it isn't all just dumped or put in a garage sale. I have a set of Holmes Basic dice still in the plastic baggie and I'll fricken haunt anyone dumb enough to rip that bag open to play with them.....As far as I know I'm the only gamer in my family, so when I'm gone all these treasures of mine will be seen as....well probably junk.

Sometimes I just wonder if I'd be happier just getting rid of my stuff.....and NO!!! this isn't an offer or a feeble attempt to gauge interest, it's just the random musings of this old fart. I know that I really enjoy the hunt for stuff and finding some vintage dice (I'm thinking of my last trip to Seattle) in an antique shop, or a James Doohan autographed copy of Star Trek RPG during a quick stop at a used bookstore....that just straight-up excites me. It's fun to find a rare gem that a bunch of other people have overlooked.  

I think there are some other reasons I enjoy collecting, but those reasons are probably a little more personal and I'll keep them to myself. For now I'll just try to keep myself busy maintaining this quasi-addiction and pray I don't suffer from withdrawl should I go too long without making any more discoveries.....


  1. I have so much stuff packed away where I can't even remember exactly what I have. Yet still have a want list that I check regularly. Not to mention the unpainted minis. Anyway, obviously you should send all your stuff to me!

  2. The last couple of years I went through a tough divorce and spent my idle time buying a ton of gaming stuff I ended up not even reading. It simply went into a 'to get to" pile and eventually found it's way out to the gaming shelf in the garage. I am now happily engaged, with little time to game, and I am starting to think I need to start giving away/selling all the things I have collected...
