
Free GM Resource: Manorhouse Workshop Tutorials

Free GM Resource: Manorhouse Workshop Tutorials
This week's Free GM Resource is a small collection of modeling tips/tutorials from Manorhouse Workshop.

This Italian model manufacturer makes some great pieces.  Everything I've looked at was made of resin and their prices were comparable to pieces made here in the US.

While the quality seems great, it is still too expensive for my tastes...especially since you have to factor in shipping.

I'd love to have some of the furniture pieces though!

Anyway, the folks over at the Manorhouse Workshop have put together a couple of tutorials that could be useful for anyone wanting to create some models or scenery from scratch.  I especially like the How to create realistic looking bushes and the three-part How to work with high-density polystyrene.  The website is a mix of Italian and English and in places the English could use some work, but it should be easy enough to follow.


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