
NTRPG Gaming Weekend

NTRPG Gaming Weekend
This weekend was a "game day" for North Texas RPG Con, held at the same hotel the con is held at. I haven't slung dice since North Texas, so I had to go. 

I didn't take a single picture during the event and while it seemed like a bit of a mixed bag, I'm quite glad I attended. Now I travel a fair bit for work, which has been mentioned at least a dozen times here, but I don't think I've indicated that I stay at Marriott almost exclusively, for about 80 nights a year. Works out well for me that NTRPG holds their event at the Westin and this is about the nicest property I stay at....and also one of the most problematic. There were a couple of surprises I didn't appreciate and a couple of associated hoops to jump through....

It didn't help that there were easily 1,000 Black Bikers & Biker Chicks/Babes/Whatever they prefer to be called attending a convention at the property. They were loud and the air was far heavier with smoke and pot than you'd expect inside a hotel these days. Fortunately they were all pretty cool and I had nothing but good interactions with those I came across. They were just having a good time and aside from the smoke (I do not think anyone smoked inside, well not inside the main areas at least), I didn't have any personal issues with the group (despite how I might sound). I wasn't able to get into a game Friday night and I was just a little bit pissed off. It took me a while to realize that I was overly bothered by having to wait in line for the Registration desk....twice. Once I figured that out, Friday night was much more enjoyable. I wandered down quite late and hung out to have a few drinks and BS with other gamers I hadn't seen since Summer.

Saturday I was able to get into two games where I ran a Dwarf. In the first game my dice pretty much sucked, enough most everybody commented on it, but I knew that's just how it works. My dice can run quite cold, but they do not disappoint when needed. My PC died right at the end of our gaming time-block and it wasn't due to my die rolls. The second game the rolls flipped and I'd say 75% of my initiative rolls were about as good as possible. I was hitting most of the time and doing decent damage. Both games were fun and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I ended up going to bed early though because I was quite tired from the night before and I had forgotten to bring most of my meds, so I wasn't batting 1000.

I could've stayed later and maybe slung some dice or even GM'd on Sunday, but I was stiff & sore and knew it'd only get worse until I got home to do what I needed to do. Saying goodbye was a bit more emotional for me than I expected, and it just told me how much I needed the camaraderie and fun gaming...need to start planning for June now.

TL;DR Gamed in a hotel this weekend and likely will now show up positive on a drug test.


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