The other day +matt jackson released his newest product, a system-less small-area setting, hopefully the first of a series. The first in the series of Side Treks is The Crossroads of Spyley.
Matt "gifted" me a copy of this first effort and I thought that gift should be acknowledged with a special review, one outside of my already planned review this Friday.
My initial read-through of The Crossroads of Spyley was pretty positive, but I was little put-off by the typeface. I think the great cover made me expect something else between the covers. By the time I got a couple pages into this 10 page PDF I realized the typeface wasn't really much to worry about. It was clean enough for reading and had almost a 'zine feel to it.
There is one map of the Crossroads and its three buildings. At first I had wished there were smaller versions of the building maps with the room descriptions, but the room descriptions were really good and it quickly became a non-issue for me.
I was fortunate to be able to chat online with Matt after this initial read-through and he told me he was going for a 'zine feel. I think with a more old-school cover he'd have an updated 'zine look down pat.
Now as for the contents, I really liked this small-area supplement. There really wasn't a lot that a GM would have to tweak to simply drop this in to any fantasy would be easy enough to simply do on the fly. The descriptions for each section is well-written and taken together with the map this is a good drop-in for just about any session. If you weren't quite sure where to drop it in, there are even three possible adventure hooks to get you into the Crossroads.....
While I did think this is a good supplement, what really out it over the top for me were the extra touches that Matt put into its delivery. I was expecting a simple, and single, PDF download. Instead I got two PDFs and two graphic files. There is a hi-res PDF, perfect for printing, and a low-res PDF better suited for viewing on a computer or tablet. The map is available as both a JPG and PNG file.
I think I should also bother to mention that the PDF doesn't have a bunch of security features to get in the way of using it, which realistically just means printing out the pages if you want.

At $2.50 for the full price download, I'd recommend picking up The Crossroads of Spyley. Odds are great you'll find a good use for the crossroads sooner rather than later. The focus on smaller, more easily integrated locales is something that I hope pays off because I'd like to see much more of the Side Treks line.
3/18/14 Edit: This product is currently on sale for $1.99, so basically 20% off! Get it while you can....
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