
Free GM Resource: Blue Dungeons Tile of the Week

Free GM Resource: Blue Dungeons Tile of the Week
Last April I reviewed Dungeons in Blue: Small Dungeon #8, and I wasn't that big of a fan. Looking back the issue at hand seems to have been expectations from the DriveThruRPG listing for the general Dungeons in Blue line, which didn't pertain to the Small Dungeons line.....

.....anyway, regardless of that specific product, I've been eyeing the "regular" Dungeons in Blue line, I think just as much for the nostalgia as for the fact I cannot wait to get my Blue Dungeon Tiles from the recent  Kickstarter. I think if I can get the two to work together I'll be set.

Last week, thanks to a timely G+ post, I was reminded of Mark Thomas' free Tile of the Week, which works with his paid products. There are 28 Tile of the Week entries as of this posting. That is not only a lot of free product, but it just enhances the value of any of the Dungeons in Blue you've already purchased!

Now you can go through and download each tile right from the blog, or you can also get a bundle of almost all of them (I doubt Mark updates the file each week because it would be a PITA) for Pay What You Want at DriveThruRPG. If you go the DriveThruRPG route, you don't need to worry too much about recent updates because when the collection gets updated you can just download the newest version.....unless you have to have those updates ASAP...then you just need to keep on top of Random Diversions.


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