
Free GM Resource: SoundPad from Tabletop Audio

Free GM Resource: SoundPad from Tabletop Audio
Astute readers will think this might be a re-post from 15 months ago and you might be able to classify it as a bit of an update, but barely.

Basically Tabletop Audio took their basic idea of a website of cool audio backgrounds and turned that idea from fair-to-good (depending on how much you liked the audio tracks) to frickin awesome.

How you might ask? By putting you at the controls to mix and match the various background sounds to create a customized real-time background track.

SoundPad is still at a beta 0.6 version, and takes a while to load, but once it does....pure genius. I don't know how general interweb traffic affects SoundPad, but I have a feeling as longs as everything downloads to your temp files you're good. I don't know if you need to be streaming data the whole time.

Anyway, if you want a customized audio experience, and who doesn't (?), you should really check out SoundPad.

Free GM Resource: SoundPad from Tabletop Audio
Look at all the options!


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