It has been a pretty good year for the Frugal GM as far as meeting & exceeding the goals of this blog.
Last year we finished up with the number of products "sold" on DTRPG at 1201, with actual sales (retail and PWYW) of $59. The percentage of free products downloaded by folks like you was 92.34%, above my goal of 90%.
This year the number of products "sold" went up by over 600%! The year ended with 7705 downloads with combined net sales of $94.14 and the percentage of totally free downloads went up to 97.88%
I don't think you'd normally see sales figures from publishers putting their stuff up on DriveThruRPG, but my participation there was driven by my initial goals for this blog. As you can see I'm not making any real money with this effort, but that really wasn't the point to begin with, hence my ability to share this information. I roll everything I get from DriveThruRPG back into purchasing things to review here.
Glossing over these numbers, 2015 has had a couple of other minor milestones. The 500th post was made here last July, my Patreon campaign started this year (which is what I credit the aforementioned numbers to), and we even got a shout-out in a Knights of the Dinner Table article. 2015 was a pretty good year, but I hope it is just a warm-up for 2016.....
Thanks to you all for helping me reach my goals and to give something back to our community at large.
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