I think it's been a while since I posted any online map collections.....and I lurve me some oldy-time maps for inspiration, and sometimes to actually use as a base for my own mapwork.
The Osher Map Library is a collection from the University of Southern Maine that had a mix of old and new maps. You can download the maps, but they are a "low" resolution. Actually the maps are like 400dpi, just on the small size, so if you need it on a screen you can resize it to a something "physically" larger.
At first glance, the Osher Map Library doesn't seem to be a decent online resource, especially if you select the obvious...and prominent "BROWSE MAPS" feature. What I found so much more useful was to do the almost-as-obvious "Search our Collection" feature. Once you have a selection of maps brought up by your search you have a bunch of options on the left side of the screen to dial-in your desired results.
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