
NSFW Free D&D Resource (and Shit)

NSFW Free D&D Resource (and Shit)
I think I'm probably sharing this simply because I wanted to have fun with making an animated "NSFW" lead-in graphic, but is that really so wrong?

One of my Facebook friends shared this with me the other day and I wanted to share it with my readers (but not as the Free GM Resource of the Week). This NSFW (I think I've made that point abundantly clear by now) download is a simple two-page minimalist player-character generation/ruleset that was pieced together to be used with a website that generates the basic idea for your character. The links are after the break...for reasons.
OK, glad to see you make it here.

The website is  whothefuckismydndcharacter.com and the lead-in there is: YOU THINK YOUR CHARACTER IS COOL? MY CHARACTER IS A FUCKING...

and then it spits out a random race class combo with a simple one-sentence bit of background.

Use the free Here's Some Fucking D&D (Minimalist Roleplaying and Shit)to finish up the character and then I guess you play some fucking D&D.....you know...kill shit and take their stuff. All you need is a punk-ass GM to fucking roll some dice and you've got a fucking game on!

....oh dear gawd....I think I've been infected by some awesome shit here.....see you fuckers 'round the table....


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