The other day one of my interweb buddies +matt jackson brought to my attention that National Geography Awareness Week was coming up and he suggested an RPG map-making project since this year's theme is "Explore! The Power of Maps"
I think this is a fantabulous idea and for the life of me am not sure why the G+ post about it has gone *poof*.
I've always been fascinated with geography and a little frustrated I can't make the kind of maps I'd like to. Beside my desk is a small world map with push-pins showing everywhere I've been. I also have a Google map of "all" the places I've been. It isn't super accurate, but I update it when possible.
When I was in high school I was on a Quiz Bowl team (kind of like "Head of the Class") and one of my specialty areas was geography. One of my favorite games, which I managed to play twice (it was super-hard version of Trivial Pursuit) was called Ubi. I get that I was a bit of a geography nerd.
Maps are kind of important to a geography nerd and I'm really hoping that this idea gets kicked around some more and solidified. The basic gist was a group of mappers would make a map based on a real-world location. Since I often start with real-world locations, even for my fantasy maps, this is right up my alley. Of course I'm assuming the group would pick a location where I don't have the resources I'd have for my normal map-making-process, but I'm up to stretch my creative muscles.....
.....what one real-world location would you like to see mapped? If the group thing becomes a no-go I'll have to do something on my own and would prefer to pick from some suggestions...
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