I know some people will be put off by even the mere mention of 5th Edition, but please bear with me here......there is some 3.5 and 4th edition support as well....
.....and a lot of these files are more neutral anyway, so the edition isn't so important anyway.
Since I'm highlighting Farland files I should try to explain the Farland setting, and the best way to do that is to lift a couple of sentences from the homepage: "Farland is a world that has been conquered by evil. It has been sundered into seven kingdoms, each ruled by an evil lord who personifies one of the seven deadly sins."
That is enough of a hook for me!
While there are links for the Player's Guide and the GM Guide on DriveThruRPG, there are a lot of goodies on the DM and Player Tools page:
- Adventures
- Articles
- Miscellaneous Tools
- NPCs
- Riddles and Traps
Personally I think the tools page is worth checking out for the 30+ NPCs alone, but there is a ton more to be had. If you like what you see you might want to shell out the $9.94 for both the Player's Guide and the GM Guide (the total for the two separate purchases).
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