[Frugal GM Note: I'm on vacation this week and I thought about phoning this one in, but I actually have good internet where I'm at out in the country]
If there was one thing I would wish for myself as a GM, much less wish for all GMs, as if I had access to a (not screwed with) 9th level Wish spell, is for all GMs to be able to easily organize their campaigns. It seems like staying on top of things is an uphill battle.
I've tried a bunch of stuff in the past, everything from a free-form TidlyWiki to custom "website" using Blogger. They all have their advantages, but what I've liked, and what seems to be a commonality is something web-based, or at least a web-based interface, that can be used by multiple people.
This week's Free GM Resource is a cool Online Table-Top RPG Campaign Organizer called Kanka. The front-page blurb says it all:
"Kanka is an easy, intuitive, and flexible tool for worldbuilders, authors, story tellers and tabletop RPG players to digitally track their worlds and campaigns. Create and organize people, places, organisations, events and much more for free."
The Kobold level is free, while the Owlbear level is $5 a month and the Elementals level is $25 a month. The main functionality though is available for the freebie users. All your really get with the paid tiers is larger uploads and some customization. You also get these Campaign Boosters, which...if I can figure this out correctly, lets you essentially gift free campaigns the higher level tier access to those larger uploads and customizations.
Personally I think I could easily handle my campaigns at the Kobold level and if I was to use a paid tier ($5 a month is chump-change for something that truly makes me managing my game easier.....I think it'd save me more than $5 worth of my time every month) it would be to support the developers.
Anyway, if you want to check it out you can setup a free account, but you can also check out these public campaigns and get a better picture of what all Kanka can do for you!
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