
Free GM Resource: The Gygax 75 Challenge

Free GM Resource: The Gygax 75 Challenge
This is a cool, Old-School 5 Week "Program" for building your own game world by Ray Otus. It's 40 pages and available to download as a full page and as a pre-formed booklet. It is also available for free, which of course we're all about with a Free GM Resource and has a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

About the Project/Program: "This workbook is based on an article written by Gary Gygax in 1975, less than 12 months after D&D was released. It encapsulates his thinking at the time about how to get your own D&D campaign world started. I have taken his general advice and parsed it out into achievable, bite-sized prompts & goals for a week-by-week program."

The Gygax 75 Challenge is available from Ray Otus' website and you can find it here or by clicking on the lead-in graphic.

1 comment :

  1. Pretty sweet, isn't it? I keep meaning to sit down and work through it but I haven't yet.
