
d30 Challenge Day 18

d30 Challenge Day 18
This is my 18th entry in the d30 Challenge, which is a bastardization of an idea I first saw on Mark "CMG" Clover's feed. Now I'm a sucker for these things and I know some folks aren't so while I'm committed to answering one question about my favorite hobby each day, and putting together a d30 table before the end of the month, I know not everyone is so interested. I'll put the question & answer after the break, posting late in the day, and not promoting this on G+ so those who don't like this kind of thing should be exposed only minimally.

I think this is the best I can do....
Day 18's question is "Favorite Planar Being/Creature".

I don't really use planar creatures in my campaign as that just smacks of super-heavy-rich-ultra-high-magic campaigns to me. Of course there might be some inherit bias for me since my early RPG days were so badly marred by religious folks being offended for my sake on the fact that AD&D had Demons & Devils in it. Of course these were the same folks who genuinely thought that some of us were trying to "cast spells". Just because some a-holes really botched up their levels of Cleric doesn't mean I'm trying to pretend my pretend game is real.

The closest I get these days to "living" in my fantasy world is a slightly elevated urge to attack and destroy gazebos I find in the wild.....

I generally shy away from planar beings/creatures for the same reason I don't use many dragons....they are just too powerful and skew my game in a way I don't particularly care for. These creatures are best reserved for pulling on strings behind the scenes....

....and for that purpose I vastly prefer Demons & Devils....or as HackMaster 4th Edition referred to them: Nefarians. I liked Nefarians for the big-picture, way above the player's pay-grade plot devices. Nefarians were essentially broken into two classifications: Demons & Devils. Demons were Chaotic Evil and essentially wanted to raise hell while the Devils were Lawful Evil and wanted to rule it. They combated each other (and often themselves) and were a great force for toying with PCs.

A buddy of mine wrote a great RPG sourcebook on how Nefarians meddled with human affairs, mostly through certain magic users, but to the best of my knowledge that resource hasn't been released....for the life of me I have no fricken idea why....

...I think I need to send a pestering email.....


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