
Free GM Resource: Digital Comics Museum

Free GM Resource: Digital Comics Museum
Frugal GM Note: I'm technically on quarantine for the next two weeks due to work, and moving slow due to a recent injury so I'm slow-rolling it for a few weeks. I'm supposed to both rest and not sit around on my ass or back at the same time, so go figure.

This week's Free GM Resource is another odd one.....I like pointing out some of these odd resources that the average GM might not even have considered. If you happen to be one of the writing/publishing-type GMs ideas for new encounters/monsters might not....."flow" as easily as you'd like. Finding art to back up you idea might be a bazillion times harder.

Creature Catalog Vol 1
Kind of a twofer here, a Free GM Resource and a GM Prep-Tip: work backwards. Find some cool art and then write to it. I don't do this too often, but I have done it...specifically working on Creature Catalog Vol 1. I'm not going to link it as it's one of my few products I put up for  couple bucks on DTRPG. The cover was the after-thought, but the genesis of that product was that I found a book of weirdly drawn creatures and thought I'd turn them into monsters.

A veritable treasure-trove of cool, public domain art that can be mined for sweet ideas (maybe more for certain genres, but still...) are Golden Age Comics.

The Digital Comics Museum is a cool website where you can download old Golden Age comics that have been researched and verified to be public domain. You'll need an account to download the comics, but that's it.

Browse to your heart's content.....oh and just because I'm approaching this from an art to ideas format.....it doesn't mean you cannot also/instead look at it from a story-line perspective.


Free GM Resource: Font Space

Free GM Resource: Font Space
I was working on a project the other day and realized that I had "lost" some of the fonts I wanted for the project. Well, "lost" might be a bit strong because I'm not 100% sure I had the font to begin with, but I was looking for a "rune-light" font that looked like a rune, but you could probably read it anyway.

My 1st step was to go through my Table of Contents here to see if I could find it, figuring I had to have posted about it before....but nope, not there.

Well I just ended up going to my go-to font depository which is Font Space, and I thought I'd go ahead and share this as a Free GM Resource.

One caveat though.....if there is a chance you might end up using any of these in a commercial design I'd make sure you keep track so of which fonts are free to use and which are "personal use only". That's a headache best avoided....

One thing I really like about Font Space is that you can type in some sample text and it'll show all the fonts with that text. If you then do a search or do some navigating that sample text will carry-over to the new results.


Free GM Resource: Guild of Ambience

Free GM Resource: Guild of Ambience
This week's Free GM Resource is a YouTube channel that I was definitely NOT looking for and almost completely missed.

I sometimes travel for work and a couple weeks ago I was on a trip. My employer's employer decided that I have to undergo a two-week quarantine upon my return, so for the last two weeks I've been pretty much sitting in front of my TV all day sitting at a small folding table banging away on my laptop instead of going in to work and banging away at a laptop there. I do more than that, but indulge me in a little hand-waving.

During said "work" I usually have the TV going, playing something interesting, but not too interesting. Something that doesn't matter too much to me 'cause I cannot give it my my real attention. So movies are generally right out, but YouTube videos usually do just fine. I've really liked Adam Savage's Tested Channel, but that's not my focus here...not really a Twofer.

Anyway I'm plugging along, not really watching TV, lost in what I was working on and next thing I know I'm no longer hearing people talking, which is pretty much my background "music". I look up and it doesn't seem like a video is playing, but technically it is. What had happened is that I had stumbled upon a background music/sound channel called The Guild of Ambience.

So The Guild of Ambience isn't a large channel, but the videos they have....are rather long, HUGE even. As of the time of writing this post there are 21 videos that total a little over 46 hours! Wow...that's a lot of background sounds.

For example...here's a 9 Hour The Guild of Ambience video of Rain on Roof Sound....9 Hours!


Just a Little Appreciation for Tom Tullis & Fat Dragon Games

Just a Little Appreciation for Tom Tullis & Fat Dragon Games
I've NEVER been shy about how great Tom Tullis and Fat Dragon Games (FDG) is. When I had first met Tom I had already purchased most of his paper terrain sets on CD and I was wanting to do a bit of a collaboration with FDG.

I had just started heading up the HackMaster Association for KenzerCo and was in my initial drafts of writing a three-part tournament adventure. I'd already done one three-parter, but that was more for local use and this one I only had some rough outlines for, but it was going to be for the HMA Wurld Championship. Anyway, I thought it would be cool as a bonus to be able to provide pre-printed maps and even paper terrain. I didn't necessarily need anything special, but I wanted to get permission to use FDG terrain at up to eight tables and maybe.....maybe get a coupon code for a percentage off for the players/GMs to purchase the files for the terrain used in the game.

I'm not even sure Tom completely "got" what I was suggesting, because...come on, we're at GenCon and it's busy. I'm a fricken stranger and all I'm hoping to accomplish is to plant a seed, follow up with an email after the convention, and let Tom check with KenzerCo at his convenience to verify my backstory. I doubt I was nearly as eloquent as I could be here pounding away at this keyboard.

Didn't really matter. Tom indicated that he knew I was trying to support a convention game and started handing me CDs clearly indicating "Take what you want." I didn't actually take any CDs of terrain files 'cause I already had them all, but the fact he was so willing to support gamers/gaming really sat with me.

That's just a personal example from my past, but a more current example that you can see on your own here: "The remastered DRAGONLOCK Dungeons Expansion Set 1 set has now been uploaded to DrivethruRPG. This is a FREE upgrade for anyone who bought their set from FDG (either our website/DrivethruRPG or Kickstarter.) Just log into your DTRPG account and re-download from your account library. 🙂"

Now Tom & FDG is currently in the middle of production of files to fulfill pledges and stretch goals for their most recent Kickstarter. To be spending time (and money!) going back and improving older, already paid-for products? Who does this? Evidently Fat Dragon Games does.

I think most companies would update files to make things work/print better, but to add content and just pretty up sculpts?

This is the kind of thing that makes Fat Dragon Games stand out to me. It isn't the only thing.....I'm a HUGE fan of their naming convention, which should be a 3d Printer standard, but if you don't have 160+GB of stl files like I do.....you might not notice.


Free GM Resource: D&D Solo Adventures

Free GM Resource: D&D Solo Adventures
So yesterday I was writing about "playing with yourself" over at Tenkar's Tavern....specifically referring to RPGs, and I needed to look up the name of a solo adventure I had played before. All I remember was that it was an official TSR product and used that weird red film window to let your read the "hidden" text of the module.

I found it with a quick Google search, but not until after stumbling across the website "DND Solo Adventures". Wait....what? That's an actual thing?

Sure enough. "Paul" has put together a series of series of quests/dungeon delves into a campaign of sorts and bundled up most everything but the dice and rules you'll need to tackle the campaign solo. His website steps your through the process (handy "How to Play" as well as print & play accessories) AND the adventure itself. It's online, but if you're reading this so are you.

Paul's Dragon Shore Campaign is written with 4th Edition D&D in mind. I don't have a single XP in that 4th Edition so I'm not going to pretend to say if it's a good adventure or not, but there's a lot of solo gaming on this one campaign. If 4th Edition is your thing, or if you think you can make it work in another edition (again, no XP on that front), you really should check out D&D Solo Adventures.

If you do though, and like it even a little bit, send Paul an email of thanks....he deserves that much!


Free GM Resource: LibraryThing

Free GM Resource: LibraryThing
I'm kind of stoked about the fact that this is the second week in a row that the Free GM Resource I've put up was suggested by a reader and not something I (well, kind of) discovered on my own.

Hint: If you have some free resources, let me know so I can share them!

Yesterday I made my Sunday post over at Tenkar's Tavern about my Appendix N library that I have been working on and despite my best efforts I have about five titles that were accidental duplicate purchases. I don't like wasting money, and second copies of books that will probably take me forever to get to anyway just rub me the wrong way. I've been using Libib for a while now and I know one or two purchases were mistakes on my part about updating the library files for my mobile app. Another was definitely due to a title (or two) being republished with a different name. Libib doesn't know there are multiple names for a given work, nor does it know what titles from a series I'm missing.

One of the commentators, HJB, recommended LibraryThing. Allegedly LibraryThing does.....and a couple months ago LibraryThing went totally free! I already had an account, but since I had too many titles for their then-free option, I barely gave it a glance as it wouldn't work for me, which is a shame because I liked the interface.

Now that it is free, I've updated my login and I'm currently importing my current records.....

There is a mobile app and it isn't rated highly, but it also is free and it looks like a lot of folks are expecting full database interaction like you'd get from being online with a full-sized computer. That isn't an issue for me, because if the app lets me search my titles and scan in new titles.....I'm good.


Free GM Resource: 5E Magic Shop

Free GM Resource: 5E Magic Shop
This week's Free GM Resource is a bit unusual in that it is more than a twofer and that it was sent in to me by one of my 12 13 regular readers (thanks Mark).

On the surface 5E Magic Shop seems like a quick down & dirty magic shop generator for (drumroll.....) 5th edition. It is clearly so much more. Not only can you generate your magic store based on the size of the locale, but you can tweak the prices, and you can heavily tweak the settings, and the you can save it for future use.

If that was it, it'd be fine as-is....but wait, there's more!

In addition to the shop generator there is also a spellbook generator, a mercenary cost generator, a bounty generator, and.....well, the list goes on.

The site is free, but there seems to be some sort of subscription service via Patreon, so I highly suspect that the alleged "short-list" of stuff this site can do will be growing over time. I recommend checking 5E Magic Shop out and checking in periodically, or just use it and support it on Patreon.


Free GM Resource: A Free Steam Game you can Enjoy to Help Celebrate Gary Gygax Day

Free GM Resource: A Free Steam Game you can Enjoy to Help Celebrate Gary Gygax Day
Today is Gary Gygax day, celebrating the birth of the Godfather, er "Gawdfather" for the HackMaster community, or the modern Role Playing Game.

The lead-in graphic is a version of the commemorative magnet I made for my guests at the GaryCon my home-group hosted a week & a half after Gary had passed.

I hope that everyone got to roll dice and enjoy this hobby with friends and/or family this weekend in celebration of our holiday. If not, I give you the free Steam game Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. The game "...is a Dungeons & Dragons strategy video game that brings together D&D characters from novels, adventures, and multiple live streams into a single grand adventure."

So, if you couldn't sling dice this weekend and cannot do so today, at least you can enjoy a game directly inspired by the game and game worlds created by Gary.

Gary Gygax Day
Courtesy of Jim Wampler